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Rise of Yangzhou development zone LED lighting industry innovation

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In the recently held th China International Semiconductor Lighting exhibition, from Yangzhou development zone within Nat

In the recently held "th China International Semiconductor Lighting exhibition", from Yangzhou development zone within National Semiconductor Lighting high-tech industrialization base of more than 20 companies, set to launch from the substrate, wafer, Chip, package components, new products such as lighting to the brackets, phosphor, attracted domestic and overseas customers and investors. This is the area focus on capital advantage Enterprise combining development advantages and scientific research units, and brought a reflection of the innovation advantages.
  It is understood that the Semiconductor Lighting industry in Yangzhou city of focus on the development of new industries, as well as by the National Ministry of science and technology, one of the industrial base of the Jiangsu provincial Government focused Support. In recent years, development zone, in accordance with the "break through the upper, application-driven, policy, service, support, cooperation and win-win" development strategy, increasing "investment" and "skill", epitaxy, high-power LED chip, LED backlight, and other key technology breakthroughs, major industrial areas, rapidly forming semiconductor lighting industrial clusters of the rich features of Yangzhou.

  Especially in enhancing the base on the level of research and development, attention to scientific and technological development zone the introduction of talent, focus on research and development facilities and platform construction. At present, have been set up for "Semiconductor Lighting industry Alliance of Yangzhou", the formation of semiconductor lighting engineering technology research center of Jiangsu Province, the new light public service center, the establishment of opto-electronic products testing center in Yangzhou, China Yangzhou international talent market market, also introduced the establishment of a branch in semiconductor lighting Ltd, Yangzhou, Nanjing University photovoltaic Research Institute.

  This Foundation Shang, development zone focusing on boot enterprise through carried out research cooperation,, to capital advantage and research units development advantage phase combination, common research resolved GaN base semiconductor material from laboratory to industrialization process in the of technology challenges, and research low cost of MOCVD technology preparation GaNLED extension tablets scale production technology, and research and development 14mil high brightness red chip and large size LCD TV with LED backlight module,, speed up has base of technology innovation and products development.

  According to Yangzhou development zone Technology Council about leadership describes, development zone relies on technology talent and policy support, through just years of build, Semiconductor Lighting industry agglomeration development, not only formed has Shang middle and lower reaches of both of full industry chain, also led has related industry of development, more is cultivation out has Jiangsu can Yang Photoelectric, and Yangzhou lung Yiu photoelectric, and Yangzhou dry according to photoelectric, group of core enterprise, became a national "Valley".

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