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ASUS: hard drive price is overreaction

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ASUS CEO Shen Zhenlai departs for the United States met with Seagate CEO Lu Kazuo, Seagate said 1th quarter of hard driv

ASUS CEO Shen Zhenlai departs for the United States met with Seagate CEO Lu Kazuo, Seagate said 1th quarter of hard drive capacity gaps will be filled next year. ASUS Vice-Dong Cengqiang also openly stated that now IT industry recession, hard drive prices are overreacting. Market has a wind of outgoing, hard recently to sell inventory, price had the opportunity to come down.

  Flood-hit Thailand hard drive supply chains, Dachang senior global brand for the first time the main vendor, stable relationships.

  It is understood that Shen Zhenlai went to the United States called on Seagate, Seagate release capacity is the optimistic recovery situation and understood, ASUS, the first time to many hard disks inventory, notebook, server shipments is not affected by the hard drives out of stock at the end.

  In addition, Zeng Qiangsheng pointed out that the hard drive in addition to Thailand, a in mainland China and Malaysia have co, coupled with the current IT industry recession, true supply and demand not so serious.

  Zeng Qiangsheng, hard drive prices are an overreaction but hard up, computers follow up price increases are inevitable. But he is also expected, along with the supplies back to normal, hard drive prices are also down reversal.

  Thailand flooding hit hard drive supply chain, hard drive vendors be reluctant to sell out store goods Guc, terminal access your hard disk prices rise higher, prices of 1 time. General Manager of ASUS cloud Wu Hanzhang pointed out that enterprise hard drive price t $ 1TB1 million before the flood, rose to 10,008 ~ NT $ 20,000, up to 80% per cent times the price.

  Industry, current action causing false needs, along with the hard drive capacity and gradually restore, disc will sell stock, discontinued status prices soaring, did not rule out a price plunge.
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