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Debut new OSRAM LED daytime running lamp home

Enlarge font  Decrease font Publish date:2011-11-25   Scan times:161
November 18, 2011, known as Germany lighting expert, said OSRAM held in Xiamen entitled sail synacast Chi world--OSRAM a

November 18, 2011, known as "Germany lighting expert," said OSRAM held in Xiamen entitled "sail synacast Chi world"--OSRAM automotive lighting aftermarket dealers throughout the country and the OSRAM automotive lighting LED new product launches. Many OSRAM LED lamp innovation product made her debut appearance in the Conference.

  OSRAM automotive lighting product launch ceremony

  As car lighting industry of leading who and the many high-end car original lamp of supplier, OSRAM in this times General Assembly Shang launched has market Shang first paragraph used LED photoconductive technology of day lane lamp (DRL), OSRAM LED day lane lamp of lighting different Yu market Shang see of to particles shaped light points glow type day lane lamp, but used LED photoconductive technology of new products, overall rendering streamlined appearance, dynamic fashion light color uniform. In promoting safe driving during the day at the same time, make your car stand out in traffic, without base. OSRAM LED day lane lamp for most models, using life also basic equivalent Yu car, it used IP 69K high protection grade, makes products has best dust waterproof sexual, in wash car Shi was powerful of flow impact, are does not appeared intake of problem, and OSRAM LED day lane lamp products full meet European ECE regulations, and through China of 3C certification, full does not in inspection car Shi appeared problem.

Ousilangguang effect of daytime running lamp applications

Ousilangguang type of daytime running lamp

  In addition, during this Conference, the OSRAM also introduces LED LED innovations such as alternative W5W C4W T4W fashion accessory.

  Replaced with new LED product W5W T4W C4W

  It is understood that the Conference's launch of the new LED product, is to grasp the consumers needs on the basis of carefully deSigned. From here we can see, in the context of the domestic automotive market continues to expand, as a leading brand of OSRAM automotive lighting, plus every now and then, already make ample preparations, LED daytime running lamp is popular when the OSRAM products worth the wait.

  About OSRAM

  OSRAM is one of the world's two largest lighting manufacturers. Until September 30, 2010, OSRAM group has global sales of up to 4.7 billion euro, of which 88% from Germany in a country other than. OSRAM is lighting industrial technology companies, some 70% of its sales from energy-efficient products. This global company with more than 40,000 employees worldwide, for customer supply products in approximately 150 countries, and has 42 production base in 16 countries.

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