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Three employees of the three future

Enlarge font  Decrease font Publish date:2010-11-24   Source:liang360   Scan times:258

The first day for an employee to copy a document, about 6 pages or so, told him that four copies, and soon the staff will copy the four files are complete binding is good, and the original is placed on your desk.

The next day, so another employee to do the same thing, and soon put him put a stack of paper on your desk, no classification, no binding, you tell him your good points and then stapled it to give me. He would murmur, you do not tell me ah.

On the third day, the third employee to do the same thing, to fast work, and has not sent the file back to you, ask him why. He will say: "no paper to print","printer to so and so was damaged, ""Oh, I forgot, ""Who told him I tell who copies, and he did not give you ah?","I'm busy Another thing, that you do this thing in no hurry. "All these bunch of excuses.

First employee looking, fill the second block on the heart, and the third can not wait to kick his foot. The effective implementation of the first employees, and the second is the mechanical implementation of staff, and the third staff is pseudo-implementation. Then apply the words of a dear friend is the first employees share those concerns, the second to sub-workers, and the third to the boss distracted.

Copying is a small, but think about the work, the number of events, not so the three types of employees. Some people say that management should do, or SMART. My feeling is that people move on with good people is more important than the efforts, some people change, but come.

Of course, like the first one leading staff, and Zuifan third person. The first one can be promoted, because he can be considered for leadership, but also can stand the work of the leadership perspective, you can make the internal services; the second is more suitable for a number of routine, repetitive work;

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