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The personal relationship between management and the implementation of shallow thinking

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Knowledge management is speaking from a tube, but also justified, together can be called management. Number of units that is organized (or staff), by analyzing the selection, use scientific, rational, optimal allocation of resources and other factors, to organize a number of units (or staff) to operate, input, output for the purpose of behavior. And not only in the management of subordinates (sector) and subordinate (the) relationship between the implementation of coordination, but also in how to manage their own managers (leadership group) in the business, the implementation of standards and qualities.
The mere mention of the execution, execution is the most frequently mentioned, and its strength depends on two factors: one is the individual (team) capabilities; for individuals (including managers) can not be guaranteed execution, the team will not execution strong, therefore, managers must not only develop individual execution, but also the whole team has a strong ability to execute. The other is the managers themselves (but also to nurture a) of the company and their work. As has been said, the attitude is to some extent, competitive, positive work attitude will make an employee (a company) stand out.

As from theory to practice, from practice to theory, from theory to practice, from practice to theory of the cycle as, management and implementation of a certain cycle is in progress, with which the author's own company, This author's experience through the analysis of which there are three large circular relationship management and implementation,

One is from the Group Headquarters and the division and the functions of the center, the first group based in the firm's strategic guidance, the layout of a number of business units (according to business needs may increase or decrease), and functions of the Centre in terms of division Group headquarters are in management positions (in the second paragraph of the article containing the above two aspects of management of things), division and functions of the center position in the implementation; from Group headquarters in the management level, the subordinate is (Division and functions of the center) to create a good business platform and environment, but in fact also a committed group headquarters with executive responsibilities (including the implementation of the same implementation of the above paragraph Wenzhang things), because management and the relationship between the implementation of nature is dialectical, is alive and recycling process.

Second, from the Centre and Division functions under the department of leadership and leadership, according to the Group's mandate, functions of the Centre and the leadership of the Ministry in charge of business development of enterprises with an important base group of subordinate department heads and frontline staff, the functions of the Centre and the Division Leadership are in management positions (of course, can not do without these two aspects of the second paragraph of the article management things), under the heads of department in the implementation of the position; from the functions of the Centre and Division leadership point of view, is to subordinate departments leadership and frontline staff to create a good implementation of environment, coordinate and guide the work to do. But also bear their own duties to be performed (the implementation of the third paragraph of the same article, including the implementation of the above things), because the execution is essential as the ability of a leader.

Third, from the department heads and department staff, under operating conditions, the Group's full normal ratio: departmental leadership and line number of departmental staff, senior managers must be more than the group, from the point of view under the perspective of department heads are in management positions (the second paragraph of the article above two aspects of the management of natural things and ultimately), line department staff in the implementation of the position, department heads from the point of view, leading the line department staff must have their own work in the operation execution and execution of the first-line management of departmental staff. The former personal executive power here may be slightly more than the proportion of the latter's team execution.

In addition to the implementation of front-line staff so that the implementation of department do not, they must learn to manage yourself to learn more about the experience and knowledge, improve their comprehensive ability.

Management and implementation of the above three circular relationship, I personally concluded that: the circular relationship management and implementation should be attributed to: create a platform with the creation of conditions and the relationship between efficiency and effectiveness, honor (corporate loyalty to employees feel as a member of the company employees in the enterprises to obtain the honor and the honor) and benefits (company earnings and employee survival, development of basic balance) sharing relationship. Of course, all this is to follow the rule of law to comply with the company management conducted under the rules.

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