Eicon Technology recently announced, to the subsidiary company will green-haibeixiang new energy development company sells 20.01164MW solar panels, to facilitate the successful completion of the latter power plant under construction. Contract valuation at market prices, amount to $ 135 million.
Sales contract has been Signed, its Green haibeixiang the signing of acquisition agreements just over a week. Eicon Technology November agreement acquired Qingdao 80% 蓓 Cheung and implemented to increase capital to achieve equity, total investment of $ 160 million. The company said in a notice in the previous, capital increase and terminal applications of PV solar energy business acquisition was intended to.
Current Qingdao 蓓 Cheung in Qinghai Gonghe County in southern States implement the 5MW (phase I) and 20MW (ii), grid-connected PV power plant project. The solar panel purchase quantity as 20.01164MW, unit price $ 6.75/w, price contains $ 135 million to VAT and to the buyer's warehouse for shipping.
According to the contract, blue haibeixiang required by December 31, 2011 to pay the total price of the 20%, the remaining payment before February 25, 2012 all complete payment. The contract amount equal to Eicon Technology 2010 audit 11% of operating revenues