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Guangdong launched the first national standards for the drafting of an integrated package LED lights

Enlarge font  Decrease font Publish date:2010-11-23   Source:liang360   Scan times:644

Science and Technology Department of Guangdong Province in the guidance and strong encouragement, Guangdong semiconductor lighting product evaluation benchmark system (hereinafter referred to as "benchmarking system") in the past six months the implementation of and research in the study of the great progress in all aspects, including the results of the most prominent One is that research projects will facilitate and accelerate the standardization process, Guangdong led lighting industry.
Benchmarking system by the semiconductor lighting project implementation units in Guangdong Province launched the Department of Innovation Alliance production and research, benchmarking system, and related business units of the project involved the establishment of a benchmarking system jointly Signed the standard Union, launched a benchmarking system management standards and benchmarking system, the standard detection methods such as Union drafting of the development work and for the formation of local standards.

Benchmarking system for evaluating the first time in the street products, all with their own unique design style and technology implementation, a good display of the diversity of the market in the sale of products. However, studies have found that this diversity results in a problem can not be ignored: the standardization of basic pieces of the product is not well carried out, regardless of LED Lighting products manufacturers, product users, or power-driven, connected devices, electrical Accessories, machining parts suppliers and other products, are constantly in the "specialized design - small batch production - product out - update upgrade" process of the cycle, LED lighting, energy conservation, waste in the production and design links.

Therefore, the project team based on the results in the evaluation that "modular light source, power supply standard, connection unified" point of view, the most optimized design methods and standards for curing the underlying connection down to avoid each product independently re-designed reduce the cost of the basic design. Currently, the project team has been promoting the alliance substantive standard "integrated package (COB) LED lights," the making, and quality supervision department has applied for a project in Guangdong Province and local standards, the standards will become the first integrated package (COB ) LED lamps landmark.

Benchmarking system through the implementation of technical line of products from different evaluation results were horizontal and compared to study the common characteristics of different Lighting applications and systems solutions, and the formation of Union standards, is more suitable for the rapid development of new industry technology standardization New ideas, new methods, research and technology help to achieve standardization of sync, which for the upgrading of the entire industry has a huge boost.

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