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About LED chip manufacturing process

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1, the wafer handling process
The main work of this process on the wafer production circuits and electronic components (such as transistors, capacitors, logic switches, etc.), the process usually associated with product categories and the use of technology-related, but in general the basic steps are appropriate first wafer cleaning, and then in the surface oxidation and chemical vapor deposition, and then coating, exposure, development, etching, ion implantation, sputtering and other metal repeated steps to complete the final number of layers in the wafer processing and production of circuits and components.
2, the wafer probing process
After the procedure, the wafer to form a one of a small cell, that is, grain, under normal circumstances, for ease of testing, improving efficiency, making the same wafer with a variety of product specifications; but it can need to make several different varieties and specifications. In the needle test (Probe) instrument for testing the electrical characteristics of each grain and the grain marked failure mark, cut the wafer, divided into those many separate grains, then the electrical characteristics classified into different pallets, the grain is unqualified discarded.
3, the packaging process
The grain is fixed in a single plastic or ceramic chip base and etched into some of the grain terminal and the base lead out the bottom of the pin connections with the outside world as is used for connecting the circuit board, Finally covered with plastic lid, sealed with glue. Its purpose is to protect the grain to avoid scratching or heat damage by machinery. Regarded as made of a piece of this integrated circuit chip (that is, we can see in the computer those black or brown, on both sides or four sides with many small pins or leads of the rectangle.)
4, the test procedure
The final steps of making the test, the test can be divided into general and special test, the former chip is placed after the package under a variety of environments to test their electrical characteristics, such as power consumption, speed, pressure degree. After the test chip, according to their electrical characteristics divided into different levels. The special test is based on the technical parameters of the special needs of customers, from the similar parameter specifications, species spend part of the chip, targeted specifically to do tests to see whether it can meet the special needs of our customers to determine the need for customers to design special chip. After pasting the general specifications of the products tested, the model and date of manufacture such as identification tags and packaging can be manufactured. Without test chip depends on the parameters of their situation to be as degraded products or waste.
LED chip manufacturing process:
→ Cleaning → wafer coated transparent electrode layer of transparent electrode pattern lithography → → → corrosive to rubber-platform graphical → → dry etching lithography to glue → → → SiO2 deposition annealing window graphic lithography → → → SiO2 corrosive to rubber → very graphic lithography → N → pre-cleaning coating peel → → → P very graphic lithography annealing coating → → → cutting abrasive stripping → → → final test chip.

LED chip manufacturing process

In fact, the production of wafer production process is very complex, completed in the development of epitaxial wafers, the next step to start on the LED epitaxial wafers to make electrodes (P pole, N pole), and then they started cutting with the laser LED epitaxial wafers (prior to cutting LED epitaxial wafers with a diamond knife, mainly), Manufacturing into the chip, the wafer taken different positions on the nine points made parameters.
1, the main voltage, wavelength, brightness tests, to meet the normal standard parameters of a wafer shipments continue to do the next step, if the nine do not meet the requirements of the test wafer to put aside other treatment.
2, the wafers into chips, the 100% visual inspection (VI / VC), the operator of 30 times magnification to use the visually under the microscope.
3, then use the automatic sorting machine according to the different voltage, wavelength, the brightness of forecast parameters of fully automated chip selection, testing and classification.
4, the final check on the LED chip (VC) and labeling. Chip area in the center of the blue film, blue film up to 5000 chips, but must ensure that each number of blue chip membrane not less than 1000, chip type, lot number, quantity and optical measurements of statistical data recorded in the label on glossy paper attached to the back. Blue chips will make the final film of the target detection test and the first visual inspection of the same standard to ensure the chips arranged in neat rows and quality standards. This made of LED chips (collectively referred to side pieces currently on the market). In the LED chip production process, the number of defective chips or electrode wear, sorting out, these are behind the bulk crystal, this time there are some in the blue membrane does not meet the requirements of the normal shipping chips, is naturally became the side pieces or raw footage and so on.
Mentioned earlier in a different location on the wafer parametric test taken nine points do, do not meet the requirements for the addition of a wafer processing, the wafer can not be directly used to make LED square piece, it makes no sorting, and sell directly to customers, and that is currently on the market LED wafer (wafer, but where there are good things, such as the side pieces).

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