LED lights are used for technical parameters 1.LED street roads, road lighting of a lamp can be divided into road traffic lights, solar LED street lamps, explosion-proof LED lamp, LED street light aluminum, stainless steel, LED lights, LEDLED lights, energy saving LED Such as street lamps. 2. Material: light aluminum alloy, hot dip galvanized steel poles for the fasteners screws, nuts, stainless steel 3. Technical parameters: light 30W to 180W, lamp protection class IP65, eight wind, seismic seven, working at room temperature -35 ℃ ~ +45 ℃, life of 50,000 hours, with light curve / spot: asymmetric rectangular beam, the input voltage is 220V, power factor greater than 90%, operating voltage DC 51V, LED luminous efficiency of more than 100lm / W. 4. Appearance Package: 1130 × 610 × 370mm 930 × 610 × 371mm 450 × 450 × 230mm

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Solar LED Street Light 120W 15800.00RMB/Parts

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LED lights are used for technical parameters 1.LED street roads, road lighting of a lamp can be divided into road traffic lights, solar LED street lamps, explosion-proof LED lamp, LED street light aluminum, stainless steel, LED lights, LEDLED lights, Energy saving LED Such as street lamps. 2. Material: light aluminum alloy, hot dip galvanized steel poles for the fasteners screws, nuts, stainless steel 3. Technical parameters: light 30W to 180W, lamp protection class IP65, eight wind, seismic seven, working at room temperature -35 ℃ ~ +45 ℃, life of 50,000 hours, with light curve / spot: asymmetric rectangular beam, the input voltage is 220V, power factor greater than 90%, operating voltage DC 51V, LED luminous efficiency of more than 100lm / W. 4. Appearance Package: 1130 × 610 × 370mm 930 × 610 × 371mm 450 × 450 × 230mm

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