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GT Solar to provide polysilicon plant in India to provide equipment

Enlarge font  Decrease font Publish date:2010-11-09   Source:liang360   Scan times:383

GT Solar has received a polysilicon production technology and engineering services related to an order, the order will be used for India's first large commercial-type polysilicon production Equipment. GT Solar will provide the new equipment, including chlorosilanes recovery, trichlorosilane production and purification technologies including polysilicon production. It is located in central India, Chhattisgarh state.

This is GT Solar in recent months, the battery manufacturer from India had won the second order. In August, the company announced it has selected the company Birla Surya in Pune, India for the first battery manufacturer integrated silicon crystal furnace DSS450HP provider.

"India is committed to expanding its use of solar energy to meet its future energy needs, we are pleased that our polysilicon production technology and the DSS series of crystallization furnace can be selected to two important projects for this service, "GT Solar CEO and CEO Tom Gutierrez said, "Our new photovoltaic technology manufacturers to provide a low cost, low risk solution. because our system has the advantages of reliability and performance, we help our clients achieve their investment to achieve Has a historical achievement of high returns. "

"Our new solar wafer and cell manufacturing plant in India into the global PV industry, an important step, "Birla Surya Mohan Datari CEO said, "We chose GT Solar's DSS products, because they mature Production of high-quality performance and reliability of polysilicon ingots and PV because they help the manufacturers in a unique level of service, which will quickly spread to their production environment. "

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