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LED lighting energy conservation subsidies will be published about 4 million

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Recently, from the national ministries insiders that, by the State development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of

Recently, from the national ministries insiders that, by the State development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance jointly study and formulate encouraging energy-saving LED lights subsidy policy will be formally introduced in the near future.
  According to the message according to the, currently one of the first LED energy conservation subsidies mainly two types of commercial lighting LED downlight and Spotlight lamp as an object, preliminary volume of subsidies of about 4 million. At the current average price of such lamps on the market (in accordance with the subsidy 50% standard), the subsidy amounts less than $ 200 million. At the same time, he also indicated that, at this stage, subsidies are primarily certified products have passed the national CQCLED Lighting products.

  Subsidy amount is lower than the expected 8 billion

  Prior to this, there were rumours in the industry first LED lighting energy-saving the amount of subsidy is likely to reach $ 8 billion. And in the development and Reform Commission on eliminating incandescent roadmap News Conference, Deputy Director of development and Reform Commission-ring Division Xie Ji also made it clear that the Government would continue to encourage the production and dissemination of LED lights. But he also said that compared to incandescent and fluorescent lamps, LED lamps did not prevail in the present price. "As a next-generation light sources, LED light prices are relatively high, accepted by the market also needs a certain amount of time. We will speed up improving the quality of fluorescent lamps on the one hand, on the other hand will vigorously promote the popularization of LED lights.

  Clearly this is the amount of subsidy shrink planted foreshadowing. China Association of lighting Chen Yansheng believes that subsidies will be a process of gradual development of LED lighting products, selecting LED lighting products subsidy policy introduced at the moment, more on the industry, is to play a guiding role, beginning subsidies will not be too great, the departments concerned should be based on the subsidy policy implementation, and then gradually expand the scope and subsidies.

  The Government must Support LED lighting

  Industry sources, development and Reform Commission and other departments as early as July this year to some LED lighting product manufacturers seek the views of financial subsidy programme. Taiwan LED lighting market downturn, generally hope to in the first quarter of next year in the trade industry before the arrival of season introduced subsidies to prop up the market. The fastest, and early next year at the latest by the end subsidies, the industry has basically reached consensus, but after the members for specific policies is still uncertain.

  Earlier this month, the NDRC officially published Chinese phase-out incandescent lamps of the road map and had LED concept shares of listed companies appeared daily limit is raised. This announcement LED energy-saving lighting subsidy policy of the point in time selected is overcapacity in China LED industry in upper reaches of Terminal market downturn in time of crisis, showing that Central Government support for Energy saving LED lighting industry.

  Xie Ji also revealed that is currently being drafted LED lighting "Twelve-Five" development plan, the industry is expected to output doubling in five years. The seven strategies of States emerging industry, energy saving and environmental protection industry ranked first. "Energy-saving environmental protection industry, semiconductor lighting technology, LED lighting will occupy an important part.
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