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Basic concepts of technology LED test

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"forward voltage" by light-emitting diode forward current to determine the value, the resulting voltage drop between two poles.

"Reverse current " added to both ends of the light-emitting diodes to determine the value of reverse voltage, the flow through the light-emitting diode current.

"peak wavelength, " the wavelength of maximum spectral radiant power.

"Half-intensity angle"in the light (or radiation) intensity distribution, the light (or radiation) equal to the maximum intensity of luminous intensity is greater than half the angle formed.

"dominant wavelength" of any color can be seen as a spectral color with a certain proportion with a reference light source (such as the CIE standard light source A, B, C, etc, etc to source E, standard illuminant D65, etc.) mixed and matched Out of the color, the spectral color is the color of the dominant wavelength. The main color of the human eye is equivalent to the observed wavelength of the color hue (mental content). Ruoyi be measured chromaticity coordinates of LED devices, such as energy white light can be used for E light (x0 = 0.3333, y0 = 0.3333) calculated as a reference source to determine the color of the dominant wavelength. Chromaticity diagram calculations based on light color on the connection point of reference color and sample color point the slope of the line, look-up table read out the intersection of straight lines and the spectral locus, determine the dominant wavelength.

"The average intensity " light in a given direction a small solid angle element of flux contained within the solid angle dΦv and the ratio of the units of candlelight (candela, cd).

"Radiation bandwidth " greater than equal to the maximum radiated power spectral half of the wavelength interval.

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